Sunday, December 30, 2012

The flatter tummy workout part 2

The exercises needed for a flat tummy

If you're looking to improve your fitness so that you can get a flatter tummy and fight the flab, it may seem difficult to know which exercises to follow to start you off. We've compiled a guide to exercise routines that will help you get a flatter tummy.
Flatter tummy exercise routine A:

Core stabiliser
Start on all fours, with weight evenly distributed between your hands and knees. Keep your back long and straight (neck in line with spine), and allow your tummy to relax completely. Now, contract the pelvic floor and begin pulling up and back from the pubic bone to the navel. Picture most of the work being done by the sides of the tummy below the belly button. When the whole of the lower tummy is contracted, hold for eight to ten breaths.

Rest, then repeat two more times. Don’t worry if you have to ‘re-contract’ halfway through.

To progress — when this feels easy, do the exercise exactly as above, but once you’ve contracted the tummy, extend one arm out in front of you, without letting the shoulders, back or hips change position. Hold for two breaths, then lower with control and smoothly lift the other arm. That counts as one repetition. Do three sets of four repetitions.
Medicine ball twist
Stand with good posture, holding a medicine ball in both hands with upper arms anchored at your sides. Keeping your hipbones facing front and core engaged. Slowly twist to the right-hand side, focusing on using the muscles at the sides of your waist. Twist as far as you can, pause, then return to the centre and twist to the left-hand side. Aim for 16 alternate repetitions.

To progress — speed the movement up and increase the repetitions.
Ball curl-up
Lie on a Swiss ball with your bottom off the edge, cheeks unclenched, your feet 12 inches apart and your hands crossed over your chest. Contracting the abdominals, but not the bottom, raise and flex the head, neck, shoulders and upper torso as far as you can without moving the ball underneath you. Pause, then lower and repeat. Do eight to 12 repetitions.

To progress — take your fingertips beside your head.
Lie on your back, with arms extended straight above shoulders and knees bent to a right angle, feet in the air. Keeping the core engaged, extend one leg forwards as the opposite arm goes overhead to touch the floor, like a puppet on a string. The higher your legs are; the easier the action. Aim for 20 alternate repetitions.

To progress — take your legs closer to the ground as you extend them, to make the exercise harder.

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