Sunday, January 20, 2013

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 5

Part 5 is the last installation in the best diet for weightloss series. Throughout this series we have learned the importance of creating your own diet blueprint. We also discussed why substituting somebody else’s diet for your own, simply doesn’t work. Finally we outlined some strategies for change, and how you can use neuroplasticity to reshape and reconfigure your diet blueprint.
Despite this process being quite simple, it is certainly not easy. Most weight loss information will have you believe that you can lose allthe weight that you want in 30 days, and that rapid weight loss is the key to success. I wish this were the case, but sadly, it’s not.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 4

In part 4 of the best diet for weight loss, we are going to continue to the next step of creating your new diet blueprint. At this stage, you should have a good understanding of your current eating behaviors and habits. In Part 3 we discussed that we all have very distinct habits when it comes to eating, and that completely changing your diet is not a good idea because you will always revert to your old eating behaviors. In this series we will discuss what the best habits are to change and how to use neuroplasticity to make that change.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 3

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 3

In part 3 of the best diet for weight loss, we are going to start to evaluate your eating behaviors. By now you should be starting to get a basic understanding of your current eating blueprint. This is critical, so if you have not managed to write down everything that you eat during a week, then go back to part 2 of this series.

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 2

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 2

In our first article on the best diet for weight loss, we discussed the importance of creating your own 
diet blueprint. Creating your blueprint is not a quick and easy process. It requires attention, commitment and high priority in your life. Last week, you had one exercise to do, which was to write down everything that you eat. Although it sounds easy, it usually takes most people around 4-5 weeks before they actually get a week where they have written everything down. So if you failed to complete the task last week, don’t worry! That’s normal and you will get another chance this week.  Most people find that success comes as they continue to apply themselves.

Best Diet For Weight Loss part 1

One of the most common questions for dieters is “What is the best diet for weight loss?”. With so much weight loss and diet information available, it is often difficult to distinguish which is the best diet for you. Should you pick a high protein, low carbohydrate diet? What about a low fatdiet? Maybe the Zone diet, the South Beach diet, or the Atkins diet will be right to you? Unfortunately, despite all the hype, I am here to tell you that it’s not really that important which of these diets you pick. In fact over the coming weeks I will teach you why sticking to one of these diets is probably a very bad idea. Worried? Don’t be. I will also show you how you can create a diet that works best for you (and only you). Let’s begin…

The reason that these diets are successful at the beginning is that you often have initial motivation, so you want to change, and they also provide you with a BLUEPRINT. These diets are also very clever by manipulating your calorie intake despite claims that you can “eat as much as you want”. They do this by fulfilling your sensory specific satiety, meaning that when you eat the same foods over and over, your brain simply gets bored and turns your “I’m full” signal on much sooner. Basically this means you don’t eat as much and thus you lose weight.

4 Key Reasons Why Changing Your Clothes Is Critical For Weight Loss Success

we are going to explain exactly why it is critical to your success.

1. Complacency: One of the major mistakes that dieters make is that they tend to get complacent at exactly the wrong time. Once your clothes fit better, you feel great and everybody begins to comment on how great that you look. As a reward you decide to indulge in your favorite treat. No big deal, you have been so good up to now, right? Unfortunately, an indulgence like this leads to a second, and then to a third, until finally, in a few days, you have undone all the hard work that you have done over the past few weeks. When you have decided that you want to lose weight, it is imperative that you NEVER get complacent. Being thin is a lifestyle, and it is difficult to change your whole life in a few weeks. Change takes time, and just because you lose weight, does not mean that you lose vulnerability.

How to Keep Your New Year's Diet Resolutions (No, Really!)

How to Keep Your New Year's Diet Resolutions (No, Really!)

by:Beth Ricanati, M.D.

Small, attainable goals add up to big changes. Snack your way to a full year of healthy choices.

How to Keep Your New Year's Diet Resolutions